Business directory in Kenai Peninsula ZIP Code 99669 - Page 9

Entity number: 10221357

Registration date: 26 Jan 2023

Estate of Faith Active Name

Entity number: 10221280

Registration date: 26 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10223868

Registration date: 25 Jan 2023

RB Nelson LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10221251

Registration date: 25 Jan 2023

104Firewood LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10221111

Registration date: 24 Jan 2023

907 Doors LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10221015

Registration date: 23 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10220952

Registration date: 23 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10220667

Registration date: 20 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10220442

Registration date: 18 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10220313

Registration date: 17 Jan 2023

AKAPS L.L.C. Good Standing

Entity number: 10220111

Registration date: 15 Jan 2023

The Pet Fort LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10220052

Registration date: 14 Jan 2023

KB CACHE LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10218673

Registration date: 03 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10218528

Registration date: 02 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10218477

Registration date: 01 Jan 2023

Glick Holdings LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10218462

Registration date: 01 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10218461

Registration date: 01 Jan 2023

Schjoll Inc Good Standing

Entity number: 10218379

Registration date: 30 Dec 2022

Red Run LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10218287

Registration date: 29 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10218212

Registration date: 29 Dec 2022

MLO Staffing, LLC Non-Compliant

Entity number: 10217546

Registration date: 23 Dec 2022

FYR, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10217447

Registration date: 22 Dec 2022

THE DUCK INN, INC Good Standing

Entity number: 10217349

Registration date: 22 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10217114

Registration date: 21 Dec 2022


Entity number: 10216960

Registration date: 20 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10216705

Registration date: 18 Dec 2022

TRI-NEGRO, INC. Good Standing

Entity number: 10216605

Registration date: 16 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10218734

Registration date: 12 Dec 2022

EDTL LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10215955

Registration date: 10 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10215904

Registration date: 09 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10215540

Registration date: 06 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10214979

Registration date: 30 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10214931

Registration date: 29 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10214894

Registration date: 29 Nov 2022

Captain Looney LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10214729

Registration date: 28 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10214444

Registration date: 23 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10213488

Registration date: 13 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10213196

Registration date: 09 Nov 2022

K-Bay Roofing LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10212927

Registration date: 07 Nov 2022


Entity number: 10212883

Registration date: 07 Nov 2022

ABC Sister Co. LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10212869

Registration date: 07 Nov 2022

Jersey Subs AK LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10212156

Registration date: 29 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10212125

Registration date: 28 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10212110

Registration date: 28 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10211814

Registration date: 26 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10211797

Registration date: 26 Oct 2022

What It Is, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10211697

Registration date: 25 Oct 2022


Entity number: 10210896

Registration date: 18 Oct 2022

RC Realty LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10210878

Registration date: 17 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10210617

Registration date: 13 Oct 2022