Business directory in Kenai Peninsula ZIP Code 99669 - Page 5

Entity number: 10251228

Registration date: 16 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10251071

Registration date: 15 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10251069

Registration date: 15 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10251036

Registration date: 15 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10250960

Registration date: 14 Nov 2023

Slay Alaska LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10250878

Registration date: 13 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10250857

Registration date: 13 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10250841

Registration date: 13 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10250615

Registration date: 09 Nov 2023

JL Proximity LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10250436

Registration date: 08 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10250341

Registration date: 07 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10252065

Registration date: 01 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10252054

Registration date: 01 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10249769

Registration date: 30 Oct 2023

Entity number: 10249655

Registration date: 30 Oct 2023

Entity number: 10249460

Registration date: 26 Oct 2023

Entity number: 10249325

Registration date: 25 Oct 2023

RBSE of Alaska Active Name

Entity number: 10249168

Registration date: 24 Oct 2023


Entity number: 10249130

Registration date: 24 Oct 2023

Entity number: 10249108

Registration date: 23 Oct 2023

Entity number: 10249045

Registration date: 23 Oct 2023

Entity number: 10249043

Registration date: 23 Oct 2023

Entity number: 10249016

Registration date: 23 Oct 2023

Zophualva LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10248838

Registration date: 20 Oct 2023

Entity number: 10250556

Registration date: 19 Oct 2023

Entity number: 10248442

Registration date: 16 Oct 2023

Entity number: 10248349

Registration date: 13 Oct 2023

Entity number: 10248215

Registration date: 12 Oct 2023

Entity number: 10247861

Registration date: 09 Oct 2023

C4D AK Ltd Good Standing

Entity number: 10247824

Registration date: 08 Oct 2023

Entity number: 10247630

Registration date: 05 Oct 2023

PureClean LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10247527

Registration date: 04 Oct 2023

Entity number: 10247446

Registration date: 04 Oct 2023

Entity number: 10247268

Registration date: 02 Oct 2023

SixtyNorth LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10246940

Registration date: 28 Sep 2023

The PotHole LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10246806

Registration date: 27 Sep 2023

Shua Trucking LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10246742

Registration date: 26 Sep 2023

Entity number: 10246706

Registration date: 26 Sep 2023

Entity number: 10246617

Registration date: 25 Sep 2023

Entity number: 10246384

Registration date: 22 Sep 2023

Fuel Your Soul LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10246053

Registration date: 19 Sep 2023

Entity number: 10246052

Registration date: 19 Sep 2023

RJ & Son, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10245683

Registration date: 14 Sep 2023

Entity number: 10245629

Registration date: 13 Sep 2023

Entity number: 10245594

Registration date: 13 Sep 2023

Entity number: 10245575

Registration date: 13 Sep 2023

Entity number: 10245004

Registration date: 07 Sep 2023

Entity number: 10244917

Registration date: 07 Sep 2023

Entity number: 10244791

Registration date: 05 Sep 2023

Entity number: 10244284

Registration date: 30 Aug 2023