Business directory in Kenai Peninsula ZIP Code 99669 - Page 4

Entity number: 10255365

Registration date: 02 Jan 2024

Entity number: 10255215

Registration date: 01 Jan 2024

1210 Lilac LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10255052

Registration date: 29 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10254839

Registration date: 27 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10254539

Registration date: 22 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10257973

Registration date: 21 Dec 2023

TO THE NINES LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10254505

Registration date: 21 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10254126

Registration date: 19 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10254060

Registration date: 18 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10253921

Registration date: 15 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10253915

Registration date: 15 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10253894

Registration date: 15 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10253888

Registration date: 15 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10253862

Registration date: 15 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10253856

Registration date: 15 Dec 2023


Entity number: 10253754

Registration date: 14 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10253707

Registration date: 14 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10253579

Registration date: 12 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10253430

Registration date: 11 Dec 2023

ABYB, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10253391

Registration date: 11 Dec 2023

KRS Operating, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10253306

Registration date: 09 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10253100

Registration date: 08 Dec 2023

Debbie's Bistro Active Name

Entity number: 10253207

Registration date: 07 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10253150

Registration date: 07 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10253079

Registration date: 06 Dec 2023

Wada Corporation Good Standing

Entity number: 10253004

Registration date: 06 Dec 2023


Entity number: 10252823

Registration date: 05 Dec 2023

Candy Nails LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10252672

Registration date: 04 Dec 2023

AKW2E, LLC. Good Standing

Entity number: 10252568

Registration date: 02 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10252520

Registration date: 01 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10252513

Registration date: 01 Dec 2023

FGFF LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10252504

Registration date: 01 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10252501

Registration date: 01 Dec 2023

Entity number: 10252384

Registration date: 30 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10252364

Registration date: 30 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10252172

Registration date: 28 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10252166

Registration date: 28 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10252164

Registration date: 28 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10252095

Registration date: 28 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10252039

Registration date: 27 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10251834

Registration date: 23 Nov 2023


Entity number: 10251765

Registration date: 22 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10251719

Registration date: 22 Nov 2023

FC 187 LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10251565

Registration date: 20 Nov 2023

FC 210 LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10251564

Registration date: 20 Nov 2023

FC 202 LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10251563

Registration date: 20 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10251501

Registration date: 20 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10251436

Registration date: 19 Nov 2023

46490 Woodwill LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10251385

Registration date: 18 Nov 2023

Entity number: 10251288

Registration date: 17 Nov 2023