Business directory in Matanuska Susitna ZIP Code 99645 - Page 14

Entity number: 10215858

Registration date: 09 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10215704

Registration date: 07 Dec 2022

AK Play Cafe LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10215675

Registration date: 07 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10215587

Registration date: 06 Dec 2022

CAPE, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10215557

Registration date: 06 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10215474

Registration date: 06 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10215427

Registration date: 05 Dec 2022

Back 40 LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10215182

Registration date: 02 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10214970

Registration date: 30 Nov 2022

The Silo LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10214809

Registration date: 29 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10216190

Registration date: 28 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10214783

Registration date: 28 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10214441

Registration date: 23 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10214343

Registration date: 22 Nov 2022

Virtual Light, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10214286

Registration date: 21 Nov 2022

The Gym Mat-Su LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10214107

Registration date: 19 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10213810

Registration date: 16 Nov 2022

Reboot, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10213596

Registration date: 14 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10213395

Registration date: 11 Nov 2022

Fern Pro Clean Active Name

Entity number: 10213364

Registration date: 11 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10213362

Registration date: 11 Nov 2022

Blue Ink Active Name

Entity number: 10212968

Registration date: 08 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10212314

Registration date: 05 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10212728

Registration date: 04 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10212658

Registration date: 03 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10212513

Registration date: 02 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10211974

Registration date: 27 Oct 2022

Matsu Hope Radio Good Standing

Entity number: 10211955

Registration date: 27 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10211934

Registration date: 27 Oct 2022

49SK LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10211903

Registration date: 26 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10211731

Registration date: 25 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10211689

Registration date: 25 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10211408

Registration date: 22 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10211321

Registration date: 21 Oct 2022

AK Life Abodes LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10211109

Registration date: 19 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10211102

Registration date: 19 Oct 2022

CGA Holdings LLC Non-Compliant

Entity number: 10211024

Registration date: 18 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10210991

Registration date: 18 Oct 2022

Red's Services LLC Non-Compliant

Entity number: 10210976

Registration date: 18 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10212363

Registration date: 17 Oct 2022

Alaska Gypsy LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10210912

Registration date: 17 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10210814

Registration date: 17 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10211963

Registration date: 14 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10210688

Registration date: 14 Oct 2022

The Hause LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10210674

Registration date: 14 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10210375

Registration date: 11 Oct 2022

KPM Properties LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10210372

Registration date: 11 Oct 2022

TCM Properties LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10210369

Registration date: 11 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10210290

Registration date: 11 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10210266

Registration date: 10 Oct 2022