Business directory in Ketchikan Gateway ZIP Code 99901 - Page 5


Entity number: 10228512

Registration date: 03 Apr 2023

Entity number: 10227921

Registration date: 28 Mar 2023

Entity number: 10231265

Registration date: 24 Mar 2023

Entity number: 10227384

Registration date: 23 Mar 2023

Mx Media L.L.C. Non-Compliant

Entity number: 10227192

Registration date: 22 Mar 2023

Entity number: 10226965

Registration date: 20 Mar 2023

Entity number: 10226702

Registration date: 17 Mar 2023

Entity number: 10225988

Registration date: 10 Mar 2023

Jack and Jill LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10225834

Registration date: 09 Mar 2023

Entity number: 10225572

Registration date: 07 Mar 2023

Mini Services LLC Non-Compliant

Entity number: 10225530

Registration date: 07 Mar 2023

Entity number: 10225238

Registration date: 03 Mar 2023

Entity number: 10225179

Registration date: 03 Mar 2023

Entity number: 10225165

Registration date: 03 Mar 2023

Entity number: 10225117

Registration date: 02 Mar 2023

Entity number: 10225078

Registration date: 02 Mar 2023

Entity number: 10225031

Registration date: 02 Mar 2023

Entity number: 10229060

Registration date: 01 Mar 2023

Entity number: 10224989

Registration date: 01 Mar 2023

The Heater Guy LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10224708

Registration date: 27 Feb 2023

K&T GAMING LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10224204

Registration date: 22 Feb 2023

Entity number: 10223985

Registration date: 20 Feb 2023

Entity number: 10223874

Registration date: 19 Feb 2023

Entity number: 10223852

Registration date: 19 Feb 2023

Entity number: 10223830

Registration date: 18 Feb 2023

RAW NORTH LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10223732

Registration date: 17 Feb 2023

Entity number: 10223193

Registration date: 11 Feb 2023

Z-C Unlimited LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10223091

Registration date: 10 Feb 2023

Entity number: 10222392

Registration date: 04 Feb 2023

Entity number: 10222391

Registration date: 04 Feb 2023

KTN Services LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10222389

Registration date: 04 Feb 2023

Entity number: 10222386

Registration date: 04 Feb 2023

Entity number: 10222348

Registration date: 03 Feb 2023

Entity number: 10222341

Registration date: 03 Feb 2023

Entity number: 10221593

Registration date: 29 Jan 2023

Musical Alpine LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10221570

Registration date: 28 Jan 2023

FV MARY LOU LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10221466

Registration date: 27 Jan 2023

DBI Active Name

Entity number: 10217649

Registration date: 26 Jan 2023

SEA Extracts LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10221126

Registration date: 24 Jan 2023

Blomst, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10220829

Registration date: 21 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10220419

Registration date: 18 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10220283

Registration date: 17 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10220180

Registration date: 16 Jan 2023

Copper Ridge LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10219958

Registration date: 13 Jan 2023

Turner Classic LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10219315

Registration date: 08 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10219028

Registration date: 05 Jan 2023

The Wizard LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10218951

Registration date: 05 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10218723

Registration date: 03 Jan 2023

Island Services Active Name

Entity number: 10218705

Registration date: 03 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10218496

Registration date: 02 Jan 2023