Business directory in Ketchikan Gateway ZIP Code 99901 - Page 11

Cloudchaser LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10117928

Registration date: 19 Nov 2019

Entity number: 10117866

Registration date: 18 Nov 2019

Entity number: 10118012

Registration date: 04 Nov 2019

The NGT Fund, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10116809

Registration date: 02 Nov 2019

Entity number: 10116309

Registration date: 25 Oct 2019

JLG LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10115963

Registration date: 21 Oct 2019

Entity number: 10115796

Registration date: 17 Oct 2019

Entity number: 10115614

Registration date: 14 Oct 2019

Sweet Mermaids Active Name

Entity number: 10114877

Registration date: 02 Oct 2019


Entity number: 10114876

Registration date: 02 Oct 2019

Entity number: 10114875

Registration date: 02 Oct 2019

Entity number: 10114734

Registration date: 30 Sep 2019

TC Creative, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10114621

Registration date: 27 Sep 2019

Entity number: 10113843

Registration date: 17 Sep 2019

Entity number: 10113093

Registration date: 05 Sep 2019

alaskED, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10112773

Registration date: 29 Aug 2019

Entity number: 10111560

Registration date: 12 Aug 2019

Woodlands, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10110989

Registration date: 05 Aug 2019

Entity number: 10110329

Registration date: 25 Jul 2019

Spa Ketchikan LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10109464

Registration date: 12 Jul 2019

Entity number: 10110553

Registration date: 10 Jul 2019

Entity number: 10108959

Registration date: 02 Jul 2019

Entity number: 10108538

Registration date: 25 Jun 2019

Port View LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10108115

Registration date: 18 Jun 2019

Entity number: 10108010

Registration date: 15 Jun 2019

Entity number: 10107375

Registration date: 05 Jun 2019

RBG Holdings, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10107356

Registration date: 05 Jun 2019

Local Grounds LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10106854

Registration date: 29 May 2019

Tour Ketchikan LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10106610

Registration date: 23 May 2019

Entity number: 10106527

Registration date: 22 May 2019

Entity number: 10106488

Registration date: 21 May 2019


Entity number: 10106053

Registration date: 15 May 2019

Entity number: 10106030

Registration date: 14 May 2019

Entity number: 10105562

Registration date: 08 May 2019

WF Maddens LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10105091

Registration date: 30 Apr 2019

Entity number: 10104585

Registration date: 23 Apr 2019

Entity number: 10104464

Registration date: 20 Apr 2019

Entity number: 10104370

Registration date: 19 Apr 2019

Entity number: 10102853

Registration date: 27 Mar 2019

Entity number: 10102832

Registration date: 26 Mar 2019

Entity number: 10102816

Registration date: 26 Mar 2019


Entity number: 10102206

Registration date: 17 Mar 2019

Entity number: 10102046

Registration date: 14 Mar 2019

Entity number: 10101909

Registration date: 13 Mar 2019

cruisemart LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10100964

Registration date: 27 Feb 2019

Entity number: 10100918

Registration date: 26 Feb 2019

Entity number: 10100384

Registration date: 19 Feb 2019

Entity number: 10100250

Registration date: 16 Feb 2019

Leap Of Faith LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10099336

Registration date: 04 Feb 2019

Entity number: 10098781

Registration date: 26 Jan 2019