Business directory in Kenai Peninsula ZIP Code 99664 - Page 10

Entity number: 10034230

Registration date: 18 Dec 2015

Entity number: 10034190

Registration date: 17 Dec 2015

Entity number: 10034029

Registration date: 11 Dec 2015

Entity number: 10032726

Registration date: 13 Oct 2015

Entity number: 10012803

Registration date: 29 Sep 2015

Entity number: 10031788

Registration date: 28 Aug 2015

Entity number: 10031521

Registration date: 17 Aug 2015

Entity number: 10031024

Registration date: 24 Jul 2015

Entity number: 10030644

Registration date: 06 Jul 2015

F/V Nunivak LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10030458

Registration date: 26 Jun 2015

Resurrect Art LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10029812

Registration date: 28 May 2015

Entity number: 10029290

Registration date: 29 Apr 2015

SewMar LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10029155

Registration date: 29 Apr 2015

Entity number: 10027765

Registration date: 10 Mar 2015

The Notch, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10027677

Registration date: 08 Mar 2015

Entity number: 10027619

Registration date: 05 Mar 2015

Entity number: 10027392

Registration date: 26 Feb 2015

The Cookery, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10027043

Registration date: 16 Feb 2015

Harbor 360 LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10026692

Registration date: 02 Feb 2015

Entity number: 10026605

Registration date: 29 Jan 2015

Entity number: 10025916

Registration date: 31 Dec 2014

Entity number: 10025869

Registration date: 30 Dec 2014


Entity number: 10025792

Registration date: 26 Dec 2014

Entity number: 10025657

Registration date: 22 Dec 2014

Entity number: 10025080

Registration date: 24 Nov 2014

Entity number: 10025236

Registration date: 14 Nov 2014

Entity number: 10024870

Registration date: 14 Nov 2014

Entity number: 10024706

Registration date: 07 Nov 2014

ZZ Properties, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10024700

Registration date: 07 Nov 2014

BAZERK, INC. Good Standing

Entity number: 10023924

Registration date: 02 Oct 2014

Opulent, L.L.C. Good Standing

Entity number: 10023907

Registration date: 02 Oct 2014

Entity number: 10021787

Registration date: 19 Sep 2014


Entity number: 10023194

Registration date: 28 Aug 2014

Entity number: 10022121

Registration date: 07 Jul 2014

Bellas Inc Good Standing

Entity number: 10021967

Registration date: 30 Jun 2014

Entity number: 10021647

Registration date: 14 Jun 2014

Entity number: 10021604

Registration date: 11 Jun 2014

Entity number: 10021332

Registration date: 30 May 2014

UKANUZIT LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10021286

Registration date: 29 May 2014

Entity number: 10021223

Registration date: 27 May 2014

Gold Rush LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10020990

Registration date: 16 May 2014

L60M LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10020898

Registration date: 13 May 2014

Entity number: 10020472

Registration date: 25 Apr 2014

Entity number: 10019732

Registration date: 26 Mar 2014

Zudy's Cafe LLC. Good Standing

Entity number: 10019189

Registration date: 24 Mar 2014

Entity number: 10019065

Registration date: 27 Feb 2014

Entity number: 10018772

Registration date: 14 Feb 2014

Entity number: 10017420

Registration date: 24 Dec 2013


Entity number: 10016399

Registration date: 07 Nov 2013

Entity number: 10016265

Registration date: 30 Oct 2013