Business directory in Kenai Peninsula ZIP Code 99611 - Page 8

Entity number: 10185629

Registration date: 31 Jan 2022

Entity number: 10185562

Registration date: 30 Jan 2022

Entity number: 10185430

Registration date: 28 Jan 2022

Entity number: 10184729

Registration date: 20 Jan 2022

Gilman Law LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10184623

Registration date: 19 Jan 2022

Entity number: 10184404

Registration date: 16 Jan 2022

Entity number: 10184200

Registration date: 12 Jan 2022

Entity number: 10184193

Registration date: 12 Jan 2022

Entity number: 10184192

Registration date: 12 Jan 2022

Entity number: 10183357

Registration date: 03 Jan 2022

Entity number: 10183337

Registration date: 03 Jan 2022

Entity number: 10182562

Registration date: 22 Dec 2021

EDEN'S EDGE Good Standing

Entity number: 10182500

Registration date: 21 Dec 2021

Entity number: 10182060

Registration date: 15 Dec 2021

Coho Cards Active Name

Entity number: 10181989

Registration date: 14 Dec 2021

Entity number: 10181899

Registration date: 13 Dec 2021

Entity number: 10180947

Registration date: 01 Dec 2021

BAG LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10180823

Registration date: 30 Nov 2021

Entity number: 10180774

Registration date: 29 Nov 2021

Entity number: 10180731

Registration date: 29 Nov 2021

THE BIG BITE, Inc Good Standing

Entity number: 10180085

Registration date: 28 Nov 2021

FJB, Inc. Good Standing

Entity number: 10179861

Registration date: 23 Nov 2021

49 Assets, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10179770

Registration date: 22 Nov 2021

Entity number: 10179378

Registration date: 17 Nov 2021

Entity number: 10179238

Registration date: 16 Nov 2021

GLM Active Name

Entity number: 10179130

Registration date: 14 Nov 2021

Entity number: 10179110

Registration date: 13 Nov 2021

Kahtnu LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10178779

Registration date: 09 Nov 2021

Entity number: 10178342

Registration date: 03 Nov 2021

Entity number: 10177772

Registration date: 28 Oct 2021


Entity number: 10177742

Registration date: 28 Oct 2021

Ayers Designz LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10177139

Registration date: 23 Oct 2021

Entity number: 10176883

Registration date: 21 Oct 2021

Entity number: 10175835

Registration date: 11 Oct 2021

Pizza Box LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10175599

Registration date: 07 Oct 2021

Entity number: 10175585

Registration date: 07 Oct 2021

Entity number: 10175154

Registration date: 04 Oct 2021

Entity number: 10174194

Registration date: 20 Sep 2021

Entity number: 10174083

Registration date: 19 Sep 2021

Sockeye Films LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10173255

Registration date: 09 Sep 2021

Entity number: 10173207

Registration date: 08 Sep 2021

Entity number: 10173139

Registration date: 07 Sep 2021

Entity number: 10172692

Registration date: 01 Sep 2021

KENAI AWAY, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10172297

Registration date: 27 Aug 2021

Entity number: 10171880

Registration date: 23 Aug 2021

The Handyman LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10170885

Registration date: 10 Aug 2021

BAKER PARK LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10170425

Registration date: 05 Aug 2021

Entity number: 10170217

Registration date: 03 Aug 2021

Entity number: 10169678

Registration date: 28 Jul 2021

Entity number: 10169315

Registration date: 24 Jul 2021