Business directory in Kenai Peninsula ZIP Code 99603 - Page 8

Jack of Hearts LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10222961

Registration date: 09 Feb 2023

Entity number: 10222960

Registration date: 09 Feb 2023

ACE Rent A Car LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10222703

Registration date: 07 Feb 2023

Rae-Phemister LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10222598

Registration date: 06 Feb 2023

Entity number: 10222573

Registration date: 06 Feb 2023

Entity number: 10222311

Registration date: 03 Feb 2023

Entity number: 10221794

Registration date: 31 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10221722

Registration date: 30 Jan 2023

MD ESTATES LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10221422

Registration date: 27 Jan 2023

MD RENTALS LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10221416

Registration date: 27 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10220756

Registration date: 20 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10220509

Registration date: 18 Jan 2023

LunaUrsusMusic LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10220473

Registration date: 18 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10220413

Registration date: 18 Jan 2023

Emil LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10219992

Registration date: 13 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10219716

Registration date: 11 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10218998

Registration date: 05 Jan 2023

AK Doors LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10218820

Registration date: 04 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10218711

Registration date: 03 Jan 2023

Entity number: 10218159

Registration date: 28 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10217847

Registration date: 26 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10217519

Registration date: 22 Dec 2022

F/V TANYA M LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10216768

Registration date: 19 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10217891

Registration date: 09 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10215319

Registration date: 04 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10215117

Registration date: 01 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10215025

Registration date: 30 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10215024

Registration date: 30 Nov 2022


Entity number: 10215509

Registration date: 22 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10214174

Registration date: 20 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10214978

Registration date: 18 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10213924

Registration date: 17 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10213754

Registration date: 16 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10213713

Registration date: 15 Nov 2022

BLN Charters LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10212643

Registration date: 03 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10212537

Registration date: 02 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10212296

Registration date: 31 Oct 2022

Archipelagy LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10212189

Registration date: 30 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10212152

Registration date: 29 Oct 2022

The Paper Raven Active Name

Entity number: 10212118

Registration date: 28 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10211866

Registration date: 27 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10211365

Registration date: 21 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10211330

Registration date: 21 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10210866

Registration date: 17 Oct 2022

TnT Marine LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10210403

Registration date: 12 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10207201

Registration date: 10 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10209487

Registration date: 04 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10209360

Registration date: 03 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10209084

Registration date: 30 Sep 2022

Entity number: 10208839

Registration date: 28 Sep 2022