Business directory in Juneau ZIP Code 99801 - Page 12

Entity number: 10216627

Registration date: 16 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10216434

Registration date: 15 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10216198

Registration date: 13 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10214533

Registration date: 12 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10215796

Registration date: 08 Dec 2022


Entity number: 10215674

Registration date: 07 Dec 2022


Entity number: 10215558

Registration date: 06 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10215361

Registration date: 05 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10215295

Registration date: 04 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10215291

Registration date: 04 Dec 2022


Entity number: 10215288

Registration date: 04 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10215287

Registration date: 04 Dec 2022

Juneau Subaru Active Name

Entity number: 10215286

Registration date: 04 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10215258

Registration date: 03 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10215110

Registration date: 01 Dec 2022

Entity number: 10214714

Registration date: 28 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10214377

Registration date: 22 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10214294

Registration date: 21 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10213918

Registration date: 17 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10213865

Registration date: 16 Nov 2022

Weir Staffing, LLC Non-Compliant

Entity number: 10213720

Registration date: 15 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10213419

Registration date: 12 Nov 2022

HEXEGY, Inc. Good Standing

Entity number: 10213155

Registration date: 09 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10213052

Registration date: 08 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10213048

Registration date: 08 Nov 2022

Coppa, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10212908

Registration date: 07 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10212624

Registration date: 03 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10212342

Registration date: 01 Nov 2022

Entity number: 10212091

Registration date: 28 Oct 2022

Agape House, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10211986

Registration date: 27 Oct 2022

Denelle LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10211861

Registration date: 26 Oct 2022

The L Team LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10211860

Registration date: 26 Oct 2022

Polly Pocket LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10211858

Registration date: 26 Oct 2022

Victor Chalets LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10211851

Registration date: 26 Oct 2022

RA Wood LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10211827

Registration date: 26 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10211813

Registration date: 26 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10211709

Registration date: 25 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10211174

Registration date: 20 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10211108

Registration date: 19 Oct 2022

Basin Builders LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10210848

Registration date: 17 Oct 2022

Find the Change Non-Compliant

Entity number: 10210740

Registration date: 14 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10210692

Registration date: 14 Oct 2022

Juneau Pizza Ltd Non-Compliant

Entity number: 10210597

Registration date: 13 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10210463

Registration date: 12 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10210461

Registration date: 12 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10210453

Registration date: 12 Oct 2022

Entity number: 10210074

Registration date: 08 Oct 2022

Your Place AK, LLC Non-Compliant

Entity number: 10209517

Registration date: 04 Oct 2022

Willow + Luna Active Name

Entity number: 10209439

Registration date: 04 Oct 2022

Juneau Storage LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10208781

Registration date: 28 Sep 2022