Business directory in Anchorage ZIP Code 99517 - Page 11

Entity number: 10143524

Registration date: 25 Sep 2020

Entity number: 10142524

Registration date: 11 Sep 2020

Entity number: 10141633

Registration date: 31 Aug 2020

North of 66, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10140176

Registration date: 13 Aug 2020

Entity number: 10138323

Registration date: 23 Jul 2020

AxiaPro LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10137999

Registration date: 19 Jul 2020

The 49er Project Non-Compliant

Entity number: 10137910

Registration date: 17 Jul 2020

Entity number: 10137780

Registration date: 16 Jul 2020

Entity number: 10137538

Registration date: 14 Jul 2020

Entity number: 10137209

Registration date: 09 Jul 2020

Entity number: 10136895

Registration date: 06 Jul 2020

Entity number: 10136004

Registration date: 25 Jun 2020

AVIA ,LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10135638

Registration date: 22 Jun 2020

Wake One LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10134109

Registration date: 01 Jun 2020

Entity number: 10133047

Registration date: 19 May 2020

Entity number: 10132387

Registration date: 12 May 2020

Entity number: 10132285

Registration date: 11 May 2020

Entity number: 10132042

Registration date: 10 May 2020

Spenardos Active Name

Entity number: 10131899

Registration date: 08 May 2020

Entity number: 10131871

Registration date: 08 May 2020

Entity number: 10131379

Registration date: 04 May 2020

Plow Now AK LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10131265

Registration date: 02 May 2020

Soap by Nick LLC Non-Compliant

Entity number: 10130957

Registration date: 29 Apr 2020

Ana Verzone, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10129357

Registration date: 08 Apr 2020

Herdt, LLC. Good Standing

Entity number: 10129348

Registration date: 08 Apr 2020

Toby Designs LLC Non-Compliant

Entity number: 10129270

Registration date: 07 Apr 2020

Two Spruce, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10128804

Registration date: 30 Mar 2020


Entity number: 10127372

Registration date: 11 Mar 2020

Entity number: 10126445

Registration date: 04 Mar 2020

SOTO LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10125808

Registration date: 25 Feb 2020

Entity number: 10124978

Registration date: 13 Feb 2020

Be Kind, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10124267

Registration date: 05 Feb 2020

Entity number: 10124181

Registration date: 05 Feb 2020

Entity number: 10123867

Registration date: 02 Feb 2020

Entity number: 10123573

Registration date: 29 Jan 2020

Falcon Air LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10120208

Registration date: 23 Dec 2019

Entire Care LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10118259

Registration date: 23 Nov 2019

HEX L.L.C. Good Standing

Entity number: 10118251

Registration date: 23 Nov 2019

Wayfinder LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10118133

Registration date: 21 Nov 2019

Red King, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10117072

Registration date: 06 Nov 2019

Entity number: 10116832

Registration date: 03 Nov 2019

MJIC, LLC Good Standing

Entity number: 10116666

Registration date: 31 Oct 2019

Entity number: 10116240

Registration date: 24 Oct 2019

Harmony Homes Inc Good Standing

Entity number: 10115247

Registration date: 08 Oct 2019

Entity number: 10115103

Registration date: 06 Oct 2019

Entity number: 10114829

Registration date: 01 Oct 2019

Entity number: 10114102

Registration date: 20 Sep 2019

Entity number: 10113815

Registration date: 17 Sep 2019

Perles & Company Good Standing

Entity number: 10113800

Registration date: 17 Sep 2019

Entity number: 10113799

Registration date: 17 Sep 2019